Oak Point Homeowners Alliance
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About The Alliance
The Alliance

An alliance is "a union or association formed for mutual benefit." The mission of the Homeowners Alliance is to represent and promote the interests of Oak Point homeowners. Although a homeowner's membership in our organization is optional, all residents of the Oak Point community benefit from the activities of the Alliance.

The Alliance was formerly called the Oak Point Homeowners Association. The organization's name was changed to reflect that the Alliance is not the community's owner or operator.

The rights and protections of a residents association

We are a residents association as defined by The Attorney General’s Guide to Manufactured Housing Community Law, with the rights and protections provided to residents associations and its members. The guide states:

"Residents' associations serve several purposes, such as keeping residents informed about matters that may affect their residency; or representing residents in discussions or negotiations with the community owner/operator over such matters as rules, rent, or improvements to the community. In addition, the law provides certain special rights and protections to residents’ associations and their members." 1

Education and advocacy

The primary purpose of the Alliance is to educate its members regarding their rights as Oak Point homeowners, and to advocate for those members when they encounter obstacles exercising their rights.

  • The Documents page on our website details the rights of homeowners and the responsibility of Hometown America Corporation (the property owner) as defined by various federal, state and local government agencies.
  • The Articles page on our website provides information and analysis of issues that we belive are important to members of our community.
  • For further details about the Alliance and its mission statement, you can view/download the Alliance Bylaws.

Homeowner and Board of Directors meetings

Homeowner meetings are held 4 time each year, and the Board of Directors meet monthly. Alliance members are welcome to attend these meetings. The schedule of meetings is posted on our Meeting Calendar page.

Join us

If you are an Oak Point resident and interested in becoming a member of the Alliance, see the registration information on our Contact page.

[1] Resident Associations and Individual Constitutional Rights

Board of Directors